Thursday, February 27, 2020

An causal argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

An causal argument - Essay Example Austerity measures are steps that are taken to reduce government spending and induce more funding for development projects. These include cutting employment budgets, streamlining important sectors such as reducing funding of the health centers to allow people to pay for such services directly, and the overall reduction of government spending on recurrent expenditures and concentrate the same on development expenditure aimed at stimulating the economic development. Currently, there are divided views concerning implementation of austerity measures. There are some analysts who view implementation of austerity measures as the best way through which economic depressions can be solved. The IMF and World Bank are some of those who advocate for austerity measures in such economies (Chiranga, 1).On the other hand, there are those who vehemently oppose any decision regarding implementing of the austerity measures in these economies, and these include social groups and employee rights activists. It would be important to understand the effects of austerity measures in an economy to better make an informed decision regarding the austerity measures. These measures lead to government cut on spending in the sectors mentioned above, and this may lead to increased unemployment. Economic depression also results when the spending by individuals and private sector has depreciated meaning that cash for development and goods consumption in the market gradually decreases. Currently Greece has been grappling with a serious economic depression that resulted to massive demonstrations in the country. Greece has been living beyond its means even before joining the Euro, and the huge debt that has accumulated has resulted to a serious economic strain (BBC News, 2011). The Greek government after joining the Euro adopted a lavish life where the government went on a spending spree and borrowed heavily from the financial lenders (BBC News, 2011). The public

Monday, February 10, 2020

Andrew Carnegie's life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Andrew Carnegie's life - Essay Example He built the Carnegie Steel Company in Pittsburgh. The company later merged with Elbert Gary’s Federal Steel Company along with a few smaller companies and the US Steel was formed. Carnegie had always invested his money to make profit as well as for the betterment of the society. He established a many libraries, schools colleges and universities. In short, he was a philanthropist. In keeping with his achievements and contributions made to the world at large, we will discuss his memoir, The Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie and the Gospel of Wealth. The book is a narration of his success story and a discourse on wealth suggesting that the rich should invest their wealth to uplift the society. In his autobiographical note, Carnegie refers to the saying that he is born ‘of poor but honest parents, of good kith and kin’. The adherence to this particular notion of birth stated that he is quite explicit in admitting his ascribed status. It also shows that sticking to moral values is his way of approach to life. We had seen Carnegie as a man full of positive forces. In his autobiography, he says that he is indebted to his grandfather for his ‘optimistic nature, and ‘ability to shed trouble and laugh through life’. (Carnegie, 8) Carnegie in this book admits that he has inherited the ‘scribbling propensities’ (Carnegie, 8) from his maternal grandfather Thomas Morrison. His maternal grandfather and grandmother are his source of inspiration and they give stress to education. We had also found in Carnegie’s social work, his wholehearted support to the sphere of education. Carnegie father’s premature death brought him even m ore close to his mother. In his autobiography, he describes her as his ‘favorite Heroine’. (Carnegie, 9) His faith in family values was the key to his success and his recognition all over the world.   He states that it was his privilege to rear up in Scotland,